The Intriguing Life of Jennifer Lisette Thomas

This is the life of a little lost bipolar girl looking for her place in the world. My life is a constant battle for adequate health care and sanity. Things rarely get too boring around here.

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03 April 2009

Just as Lost as a Tourist

Posted by JennyT

I got lost on the way to my family practice doc's clinic. Who sticks a health clinic on the side of a hotel? Anyway, it was a pretty nice set up once I got there. It was a pretty comfortable setting, so I had them draw all my blood for the labs. I need to get my lithium levels checked, so the doctor put in for that. Overall, it was a good visit- much better than I expected. Of course, I had to explain my hallucinations to ANOTHER health professional. Perhaps I should make a video and take that with me to all of my appointments.

The Abilify hasn't caused the hallucinations to let up, but I understand that I haven't been on it long enough to expect any real results. Ignoring Alex and the others can be a real pain, but I'm working on it.

Abilify might not work for the hallucinations yet, but it has improved my concentration. I did TWO (not one, but two) articles for Associated Content days before they were due! I was able to sit down and just get to work. I did the necessary research, and then I wrote the articles. I haven't been on the Abilify long enough to say that the improved concentration is an effect of the Abilify, but I'm hoping it will stay around. I'm a college student- this could be useful.


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